Contrada della Cerva is a voluntary organization that was born in 1994 to promote and enhance the Palio of Noale that is the most important historic festival of Noale. This festival recreates the activities of the village of Noale, where mostly peasants and hunters lived, during the Middle Ages. The activities of the contrada are divided into three categories: the Medieval market, the musicians and flag throwers and the historic archers group better called hunters.
The Medieval market can be seen during the Palio of Noale and it is close to the Rocca, more precisely at Beggio’s gardens. At the market the visitors can taste the typical Medieval products such as ippocrasso (a spiced wine which is usually served cold), mead that is a liquor obtained by fermented honey, the olive-oil and herbs bread, cheese, infusions, Alchermes and much more. For the visitors who are particularly interested in the Middle Ages, it is possible to see the ancient war machines for example the trebuchet, the torture wheel and the well-known Macchina del Coraggio.
Next to the Medieval market there is the hunters’ area where the visitors can test their abilities with arrows and bows.